Be a PAL® Instructional Program
The Be a PAL® program helps children and teens learn how to Protect A Life by being a good friend to kids with food allergy. Parents, school staff, educators, scout troop leaders, youth group leaders, and coaches can use these resources to present the program to students in grades K-12.
Be a PAL Instructional Guide
This slide deck is intended to guide you in using the Be a PAL program successfully. Available for download in English.
Download The Slide DeckBe a PAL Resources - Teens (Grades 6 to 12)
Be a PAL Teen Poster
Available for free download in English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Print and post this poster in schools, community centers, libraries, or classrooms to help reinforce the messages of the program.
Be a PAL Teen Handout
This one-page handout for teens provides tips on how they can be a good friend to kids who are managing food allergies. Available for download in English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

Food Allergy Awareness Presentation - Teens
Use this presentation to increase food allergy awareness in teens. It covers topics such what food allergy is, who can have food allergies, and how you can help people with food allergy.
All Be a PAL: Protect A Life program materials belong to FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) and may not be modified without express permission from FARE.
Be a PAL Resources - Elementary
Be a PAL Elementary Poster
Available for free download in English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Print and post this poster in schools, community centers, libraries, or classrooms to help reinforce the messages of the program.
Be a PAL Elementary Handout
This one-page handout for children in grades K-5 provides tips on how they can be a good friend to kids who are managing food allergies. Available for download in English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

Food Allergy Awareness Presentation - Elementary
Use this presentation to help you teach food allergy awareness basics to elementary school children. It covers things like what food allergy is, who can have food allergies, and how you can help people with food allergy.
All Be a PAL: Protect A Life program materials belong to FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) and may not be modified without express permission from FARE.
Be a PAL Bookmarks - Elementary
We have bookmarks available to use to accompany the program. You can print the bookmarks in black and white for coloring.
Be a PAL Certificate
(All ages)
This certificate can be printed and handed out to children who participate in the program to thank them for learning how to Be a PAL to their friends with food allergies. Available for download in English.
Download Certificate
Food Allergy ‘Living in Their Shoes’ Activity – Middle & High School
This interactive course can be accessed virtually on FARE’s Food Allergy Academy at: Designed for middle school and high school students, the course puts learners in the shoes of a fellow student who has food allergies, teaching them how serious a food allergic reaction can be and how they can Be a PAL and Protect A Life for friends with food allergies.
To view this interactive module
- Create a FREE account at the Food Allergy Academy
- Search for "Be a PAL"

More Back-to-School Resources
Click hereDisclaimer: The Be a PAL Program was updated in July 2023 with support from Cooperative Agreement NU38OT000282, funded by the Healthy Schools Branch - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Food Allergy Research and Education and do not necessarily represent the official views of the American Academy of Pediatrics or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Department of Health and Human Services.