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Research & Innovation

FARE Biobank

FARE Biobank and Biomarker Discovery Center

About the Center

The FARE Clinical Network Biobank and Biomarker Discovery Center (BBDC) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center will house more than 1,000 privacy-protected specimens donated by patients. It serves as a tactical hub for biospecimens as well as a key resource for the design and implementation of food allergy-related biomarker research. The BBDC will foster unparalleled opportunities to understand food allergy mechanisms, discover potential treatments, and identify molecular markers for use in diagnosis and monitoring.  The FARE BBDC will also serve as a model for data and biospecimen sharing among the food allergy research community.

Woman looking at test tubes
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The FARE Clinical Network

Bringing top institutions together to ensure that patients with food allergies have access to state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment, short-term and long-term care, and research that addresses factors from discovery to application, the FARE Clinical Network is setting the standard for breakthrough food allergy research and clinical care nationwide.

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