Candy Facts
Important candy facts to keep your trick-or-treaters safe this spooky season.

Important candy facts to keep your trick-or-treaters safe!
Remember to always check the labels, and if you have any additional questions, contact the manufacturer!

Candy Corn
Candy corn often contains egg whites. If listed free from egg, make sure you are not substituting one allergen for another. Candy corn can also be made with sesame oil.

Mini or ‘Fun Size’ Candy
Candy that comes in "mini" sizes may have different ingredients than its larger counterparts. Be sure to double-check the ingredients on mini candies to confirm they are safe.

Last Year’s Favorites
Just because a candy was safe last year does not mean that it will be safe this year. Manufacturers can change ingredients, so it is safest to read the labels every time.

Candy Without Labels
If you cannot clearly identify the product with certainty, it may be best to toss it, or have your child trade you for a safer alternative.

Licorice candy typically contains wheat as a binding ingredient. If you have a wheat allergy, make sure to check the labels.

While the top 9 allergens account for over 90% of reactions, there are over 200 reported allergens, and because of this, there is no such thing as “allergy-free” candy.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate often contains traces of milk, and while this may not affect someone with lactose intolerance, it is considered unsafe for those with a milk allergy.
More Helpful Resources
Teal Pumpkin Project
The Teal Pumpkin Project is a simple way to make trick-or-treating more inclusive. A teal pumpkin on your doorstep signals that you offer non-food treats and trinkets that delight all trick-or-treaters.
Learn More