WEBINAR: Food Allergies and Early Childhood: Your Rights and Responsibilities
In this webinar we will discuss the rights that young children with food allergies have in childcare facilities and preschools and also what the law requires of their childcare providers and early childhood educators.
September 14, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
In this webinar, the third in our six-part series on food allergy patient rights, we will discuss the rights that young children with food allergies have in childcare facilities and preschools and also what the law requires of their childcare providers and early childhood educators. The webinar will offer practical ideas for managing food allergies in childcare and preschool settings, including best practices and successful approaches to accommodate food-allergic youngsters.
About the Speaker
Laurel Francoeur, Owner/Managing Partner, Francoeur Law Office

Laurel Francoeur graduated from M.I.T. with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy. She is a graduate of Suffolk Law School and has been a practicing lawyer since 1996. Her practice focuses on food allergy issues. She is a national speaker on the topic of food allergy and the law. She drafted legislation in Massachusetts to allow easy access to epinephrine for students in classrooms and has testified at the state and federal level about food allergy issues. She has also worked with the Mass. Department of Public Health on food allergy guidelines for restaurants. In 2019, Laurel was named a “Top Woman In Law” in Massachusetts. She is the author of “Flying With Food Allergies” and co-author of “The Preschool Food Allergy Handbook,” which serves as an official reference for preschools in New York City. She has a 21-year old son with multiple food allergies.