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FARE Blog June 14, 2024

Meet the FARE PACT Alliance

FARE is establishing an alliance of industries that are creating innovative, trusted resources for food allergy consumers.

FARE PACT Alliance Logo

FARE is establishing an alliance of industries that are creating innovative, trusted resources for food allergy consumers. The new FARE PACT Alliance—PACT stands for “Promoting Allergy Consumer Trust”—is comprised of partners who understand that the food allergy community is a valuable, underserved consumer segment. Members include businesses and individual experts that specialize in the food sector of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), retail, restaurants, travel, hospitality, and manufacturing.

More than 33 million people in the U.S. have food allergies, which can cause life-threatening reactions. It’s time to move beyond the mindset of “accommodating” food allergy consumers and, instead, recognize that they are a group to be sought after and courted. Because safety is a primary driver of decision-making for food allergy consumers and their households, once a good relationship is forged it results in exceptional loyalty and strong return business.

FARE’s 2020 report, “The Food Allergy Consumer Journey,” indicated the tip of the iceberg by documenting a $19 billion market opportunity based solely on consumers making food-buying decisions to avoid the top 9 food allergens. According to the report (research and analysis provided by McKinsey & Company, Northwestern University, and the Global Strategy Group), 64 percent of this consumer group reported repeatedly purchasing the same foods, every time they shop, to save time and know they are buying safe products. These market potentials are multiplied once considering allergens beyond the top nine, as well as consumer patterns in related areas such as restaurants and travel.

The FARE PACT Alliance is engaging real-time data tools that will provide the latest information on trends and purchasing habits among food allergy consumers and their households. By sharing resources and garnering research-driven insights, the FARE PACT Alliance aims to tailor an approach that will improve the lives of the food allergy community at-large.

This cross-industry approach fosters collaboration between small, medium-size, and major companies and investors, and will include:

  • Examining manufacturing practices and supply chain to ensure safer foods and beverages;
  • Encouraging a superior food allergen labeling system for foods and beverages;
  • Thoughtfully designing experiences in restaurant, travel, and hospitality spaces to appeal to food allergy consumers;
  • Keeping the needs of under-resourced populations at the forefront of consideration and service.

The FARE PACT Alliance is chaired by Nicole Ledoux (Co-Founder and CEO, 88 Acres), Scott Mandell (Mandell Consulting, Co-Founder and former CEO of Enjoy Life Foods), Elizabeth Pigg (Chief Communications Officer, That’s it.), and Eric Rosenkranz (FARE donor, research partner during residence at MIT).

On behalf of FARE, the Alliance includes Craig Fontenot (Vice President of Institutional Advancement, FARE), Robert Earl, MPH, RDN, FAND (Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, FARE), and Jaime Rupert (Chief Marketing Officer at FARE). FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is the leading nonprofit organization engaged in food allergy education and advocacy, and the largest provider of charitable support for food allergy research in the U.S.

For more information, reach out to Craig Fontenot, Vice President of Institutional Advancement at FARE, and visit the Alliance’s webpage.

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